Creating a landscape for a home can completely elevate the appearance, street appeal, and personal enjoyment of your home. A landscape can emerge from some dirt or turf, to being the most appealing place to visit for your family and friends.
Whilst transforming your landscape is an exciting process, it can also be an overwhelming one. If you've never tried your hand at designing a landscape before, you may find the oversupply of choices to be stressful.
It can also help to visualise a space in your yard as you would a room inside your home. Many interior design principles can guide your landscape designs, too.

Here are some of our tips which will make your selection process much easier:
1. Have a plan of your yard drawn. Add new landscape design elements. Think about your favourite plants such as shrubbery, trees, and flowers. Is there any lawn furniture, pools, gazebos, and fountains that you plan to install?
2. Social media platforms such as Pinterest and instagram can really aid with selecting a theme for your landscape. You can bring your inspiration along to a site consultation.
3. Consider your wants and needs. If you have a sunny backyard you might add in a kitchen vegetable and herb garden. Do you need a children’s play area? Would your family appreciate nights beside a fire pit?

4. Get inspiration from surrounding areas - is there a specific shade of colour or style of vegetation (e.g., natives) that catch your eye when you take a walk in your neighbourhood?
We look forward to helping you bring your vision to life.